How to Create Content that gets Clicks

I am excited to write about this topic simply because I have been experimenting with strategies to help boost visibility of my content online. One thing I have noticed is that when I am promoting my referral links on various websites the pages with attention-getting headlines seem to convert the best. I know these methods work because I am getting referrals to my business opportunities.

Creating content that gets clicks is an exact science and I am sure you are well aware of the power of words and how "what" you write in your ad campaigns can make a big difference.

Here are some of the things I have tried that work when trying to get more clicks on my links.

Copywriting sales letters can sometimes be very direct and to the point when it comes to the "call to action". As marketers we can learn a few things from those ads. Some of the things I use in my own articles is the term "Click Here" those two phrases really ramps up conversions. I think it is because people want to be given instructions as to what to do when they come to our pages and articles.

1. So the first tip is to make your call to action very clear to the reader.

2. Second tip is to create attention-getting headlines.

3. Write your press releases, articles and blog posts in a conversational tone

4. Share your story, when publishing content to promote your referrals make sure to give a review of the site or program your using.

5. Interlinking of blog and article content. I use about 5 different sites that I can use to interlink my content for increased web visits and clickthroughs.

The best tips I can give is to not try to sell but instead "encourage"

The most surprising thing about this strategy is that I am not selling anything, instead I am encouraging people to read my articles. For some reason people don't mind reading and then the sites I send future prospects to does the converting and closing.

I have other things that I am testing out in regards to getting more clicks on articles and when I finish getting results I will share them with you.

Have you found some tips on getting higher conversions on your content marketing? what is the best strategy so far that is working for you. Please share in the comments below: